name: kat
zodiac: virgo/snake
location: berklee college of music
likes: music, cats, video games, tea, piano, and you.

/Biao Jie /Biao Mei /Abi /Kai /Jo /Mabel /Adam /Deb /ShiChun /Jaslyn /SP Jazzband /My Myspace



Boring days and Sundays always get me down......

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Tired today.

Earlier I went to my piano teacher's concert. She has a couple of those every year and us students have to play stuff during them. I didn't feel like going cos I don't like performing and there were loads of little kids there, and the air-con was friggin cold so I had to keep squishing my fingers so they wouldn't freeze up and not work.

Managed to get through my piece with minimal trouble, and I'm sure I covered up any mistakes pretty well. Though.....I'd like to know how good it was. Teacher said it was nice, and parents did too, but I'd like to know how good/bad it was, cos it'd make me feel better. Can't count on myself for judging it, cos I was concentrating on hitting the right notes, and I'd give myself (as Simon said) a ten out of ten anyway. Which is nice, but not very useful if one wants to improve.

Sundays make me sad. Know why? They signal the end of the week, and it pains me to see the time flitter away, turning into night before giving way to Monday morn and the start of another week. 'Course that doesn't matter much now that I don't go to school, but I still feel sad every week, it's a knee-jerk reaction after 10 years of stressful eddycation.

Bored, bored, bored.

Tomorrow I think I'm going out with my good mates who, like me, are JC-dropouts. Gonna have some fun while the rest of the the stupid smart people go to school like good little students. At the moment we're divided over what to watch. One of us wants to watch Final Destination 3, and after I found out more about the movie from my other buddy (who happens to be going to school tomorrow with the stupid smart people), I don't want to see it. She said even the guys who were in their group were creeped out, and one of them even fled the cinema.

She's made me scared to use my camera now! Dammit. I like that camera, and now I can't use it without getting the creepy feelings.

What is there to talk about? Oh, I got my first choice for JAE registration. Parents were thrilled and wanted to go out for a celebratory dinner. Which I thought was completely unnecessary. See, I had about a 99.9999999% chance I'd make it into that course. The only way I wouldn't would be if Something happened like a UFO crashing into the MOE building or something. Do you give people rewards for things that are so easy to do that it's almost funny?

Come here, and let me give you a trophy for putting on this green shirt.

... ...

Does anyone even read this?

Never mind.

I was reading the blog of one of the guys from my JC class. Seems they got zoo tickets for raising lots of money. Sounds like they'll have fun. I don't like the zoo anymore. Visited it too much as a child, and I don't like walking everywhere and always smelling crap. there's been a change of plans. Now I have tomorrow free. Nice time to watch TV. And play GameCube maybe.

Can-of-Coke {author} posted at: 4:51 AM

