name: kat
zodiac: virgo/snake
location: berklee college of music
likes: music, cats, video games, tea, piano, and you.

/Biao Jie /Biao Mei /Abi /Kai /Jo /Mabel /Adam /Deb /ShiChun /Jaslyn /SP Jazzband /My Myspace



Ellipse ellipse ellipse

Friday, March 10, 2006

Yesterday I went to my future school to hear a lecture about my course. It is fucking huge. I walked around everywhere feeling intimidated and cos I didn't eat my breakfast my tummy was hurting so I just sat around for 15 minutes staring and the scenery. I don't know how many hundred T-blocks they have, or lecture theatres, or food courts.

Before I went, my mum told me not to wear one of my black shirts. Why? I asked. Cos that's what all the music geeks wear, said my dad. I love my black shirts. They're so nice and baggy. I have one with Beauty and the Beast on it, got it cos it had such a pretty pattern (and that it was baggy made it better), another with a War of the Worlds iron-on thing that the FiRST people sent (nice shirt, only people think I'm a Tom Cruise fan -_-;;), and the last is plain indigo/black with a V-neck. We had to sew patterns on it in Home Econs in Sec 2, and mine sucked cos I can't sew. At the end of the year I ripped out my horrible needlework and hey presto! A new shirt!

Anyway, parents turned out sort right about the music geek thing. There were about.....maybe 5 guys dressed like that: baggy black shirt and pants, cap, iPod, gloomy expression. I could be a guy too! Maybe once terms starts I'll start dressing like that. I have a cap, it'll work.

I had a weird dream the night before that. I dreamt I went to the Poly early, so early that I was the first one there. The Poly looked like an air-conditioned shopping centre, and I was supposed to be headed for Media Room 10. It happened to have an aquarium outside it (musta stared at the one at Suntec too much) with lots of pretty fish.

Then I woke up.

Right now I'm typing this as fast as I can cos I have piano in half an hour. I'll have to skip on aikido today cos the church people have asked me to play in the worship service tomorrow (finally! I'm getting the respect I so richly deserve!), and theyr'e having a rehearsal today at 3.30.

Yesterday I went for aikido with my bro at Spans. I don't like going to Spans for aiki cos

1. there are LOTS of people, ergo
2. people don't watch where they're falling
3. people get hurt (some guy bent my glasses once)
4. most of them are better than me => PAIN
5. everyone is bigger than me, so it's embarrassing if they're a lower grade than me and I can't do my stuff
6. they have no air-con

It's scary there. I was so scared for my specs that I took em off for the duration of the class. They're the frameless invisible type, y'know? I picked em cos I thought they looked cool.

I love ellipses! Have y'all noticed how often I...utilize them? IMO, they make one sound dramatic and thoughtful. Or maybe I've read one too many mangas. Dot Dot Dot is such an effective way to talk. It can convey one's: disdain, shock, awkwardness..............I love em!


Gonna stop here for now, will type more later.

Can-of-Coke {author} posted at: 8:07 PM

