name: kat
zodiac: virgo/snake
location: berklee college of music
likes: music, cats, video games, tea, piano, and you.

/Biao Jie /Biao Mei /Abi /Kai /Jo /Mabel /Adam /Deb /ShiChun /Jaslyn /SP Jazzband /My Myspace




Saturday, April 15, 2006

Give me a bit, I'm reading some fascinating Harry Potter essays on Here's the link if you're interested.

Spinner's End is really good.

This week has been pretty eventful; there was the Freshman Orientation at SP, flag day, watching a movie, completing Majora's Mask, and today is Easter.

I almost didn't want to go to church today because that'd mean I'd have to get up early and I hate getting up early (I've been going to the 4pm one for that very reason!).

So bright and early, Mum got everyone up at 7.30 (it's not even a school day! T.T) and off to church we went. Everyone could tell I was half asleep cos of the panda eyes I had and the fact that my hair resembled a lion's mane. And that is not a good thing to look like :(

(I just noticed that my blog is a series of complaints. While it is lots of fun to bitch and moan I have suddenly realized that it might not be fun for the readers. Can't think why this came to me now, I never had a problem with it with the first 15 posts -_-;;;; And I do so love complaining and bitching)

Halfway through my grandfather started (of all things) palm-reading. I don't go for these kind of things but he made it sound really interesting! Maybe it's part of the syllabus in Med school or something. The downside to it was that my future looks really bleak.

My "career" line he said is not yet developed but to me it looks like it's broken into two small pieces. Or maybe that was the "relationship" one. Either way, it doesn't look good. The one at the top is supposed to be for intelligence....hmm.....but it's not really that long:( Lastly, my lifeline. This baby goes from between my thumb and pointer to a bare 1.5cm from my wrist.

Well, this is just great. I'm doomed to have a lousy career being stupid as I live out my long, sad, lonely life on my own. Now that I think of it it seems kinda funny.

Oh yeah, and there's this way to find out your friends by counting how many lines you have below your pinkie at the side of your hand when you make a fist. Apparently I have two strong bosom friends, gender not important. Not that it'd matter anyway since I have no friends of the opposite sex.

It's all been very interesting, and that got me started on my Harry Potter fan-ness again. I would've posted what I thought might happen in the last book, but after reading those essays I feel more comfortable sitting on my butt and letting others do the talking. :)

ARRRRRRRRRRGH I haven't posted in a long time this all feels so aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwkwaaaaaaaaaaardddddddd.

On Thursday I watched Tristan + Isolde (+?) with a few good buddies. I wanted to watch it because:

-I like period flicks
-I like my friends (notice how this comes in second -.-)
-Quoting Seinfeld "I can't go to a bad movie by myself! Who'm going to make sarcastic comments to, the people beside me?"

Had lots of fun making sarcastic comments at it. I don't know how, but I 不知不觉地 (damn Babelfish and their literal translations) gotten more and more and more picky in movies. Before I used to watch everything and enjoy it(almost all the time). But now I start seeing stuff that I think is boring or dumb, and I've started zoning out in movies. Sure, that's not something very new, but I've always treated movies as something very holy when I was young (and innocent, and carefree, etc).

Anyway, all it took was one well-placed "atchoo" for me to completely lose it. I think we pissed off the people behind us, but I could hear a couple of people giggling, too.

What I thought of the movie: very pretty, echoes of LOTR, but I feel it was kinda corny. All that romantic dialogue. Maybe it's because I'm a hardened fanfic-reader, maybe it's because I'm not a romantic person in real life, all that I felt was pissed-offness at the two lovers. I'd rant about it but I'm too lazy. At least the music was pretty. And that guy who died in the end (don't know what his name really was) was pretty good-looking, so I had something to distract myself with when my friend and I weren't poking fun.

Can-of-Coke {author} posted at: 10:08 PM

