Friday, May 26, 2006
We have a test today. In hour!!!!! AAAAAAGH!!!!!!!
It's so weird how uptight I've gotten over the years over tests and stuff. Back in primary school I was like oh, another test, yeah whatever I wonder what's for lunch (then again I was an A student at the time T_T)
But even if I've gotten examophobic I shouldn't be panicking, cos this is a THEORY test. On like Grade One stuff, you know, drawing notes and clefs, no funny numbers of composing. But our teacher hinted there'd be an essay question in there somewhere.
I don't do essay questions! I thought I'd escaped all that when I left secondary school! And for music, too! When I was taking Theory exams all I did was go in there and draw ovals! Not write essays about sound waves or harmonics or duplets or whatever crap!
....sooo much stress. Especially since I want to do well in this course. I think my IDEA grade is already pretty screwed, since I think there's an individual presentation portion.
Anyway, today was dress-up day for our course. (Almost) everyone came in office attire: collared shirts, waistcoats, pants and shiny shoes. Well, maybe not the last one in my case. I have no formal shoes except sneakers. But they're sort of formal! It's not like they're hot pink or anything.
Woohoo my laptop works on campus and I'm lovin' it!
It's so weird how uptight I've gotten over the years over tests and stuff. Back in primary school I was like oh, another test, yeah whatever I wonder what's for lunch (then again I was an A student at the time T_T)
But even if I've gotten examophobic I shouldn't be panicking, cos this is a THEORY test. On like Grade One stuff, you know, drawing notes and clefs, no funny numbers of composing. But our teacher hinted there'd be an essay question in there somewhere.
I don't do essay questions! I thought I'd escaped all that when I left secondary school! And for music, too! When I was taking Theory exams all I did was go in there and draw ovals! Not write essays about sound waves or harmonics or duplets or whatever crap!
....sooo much stress. Especially since I want to do well in this course. I think my IDEA grade is already pretty screwed, since I think there's an individual presentation portion.
Anyway, today was dress-up day for our course. (Almost) everyone came in office attire: collared shirts, waistcoats, pants and shiny shoes. Well, maybe not the last one in my case. I have no formal shoes except sneakers. But they're sort of formal! It's not like they're hot pink or anything.
Woohoo my laptop works on campus and I'm lovin' it!