name: kat
zodiac: virgo/snake
location: berklee college of music
likes: music, cats, video games, tea, piano, and you.

/Biao Jie /Biao Mei /Abi /Kai /Jo /Mabel /Adam /Deb /ShiChun /Jaslyn /SP Jazzband /My Myspace



Second-last day of term

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Today was pretty ok. I could remember how to do the maths questions in Math, so that made me feel smart and put me in a pretty good mood. Then there was Theory and I killed my eyes surfing on my lappie, and then I really died in MIDI cos my computer had some technical issues and I was ripping my hair out wondering why the thing wouldn't sound right.

Then I went home and the realization of how much homework we were going to have for e-Learning week hit me like a speeding Megazord. I have no idea how I'm going to get all that done before I go off next Friday. I don't even want to go, I'd rather stay at home with my laptop (even though it does get a bit creepy at night...).

But there'll be so much I'll be missing! Chats with online friends, cleaning the spam out of my inbox, and all the lovely fanfic updates that'll almost certainly occur while I'm away. Always happens; I take a break from an author for a few days, and the day I decide to skip there's an update. Drives me nuts, it does.

Anyway, after I got home I ate lots of food cos I was hungry and there was aikido later and there probably wouldn't be any food when I got back. Felt a bit sick when I went, and had to suppress urge to puke several tiems. Swift was able to come today, so that was nice. Got yelled at by the instructor twice: once for doing the wrong technique, and the second for partering Swift too much. That was rather embarrassing, but we managed to sneak out of the dojo unnoticed after class.

Then we came to my place and played the piano a bit and then I saw there was an update on OLAB so I happily took off to PowerRangerverse while Swift read a book on...something.

Soon after her 'rents came to pick her up and I went to have a nice shower. Came back, tried to use parents printer to print out post-CIP worksheet and got yelled at by them for bothering them late at night. I hate filling in stupid reflections worksheets, they always come out funny.

That reminds me, I have to go to school early to fill it in, since it's due tomorrow. And my REMT assignment! Arrrgh!

Oh, my curtains have changed colour. From a horrible salmon pink that makes the room disgustingly bright in the morning to a sort of lavendery colour with bubble things on it. Weird. Test says my blog should be purple and my room goes purple.

Well, tomorrow is the last day of the term. Then I will have survived 7 weeks of Poly life. Go me!

Can-of-Coke {author} posted at: 8:57 AM

