name: kat
zodiac: virgo/snake
location: berklee college of music
likes: music, cats, video games, tea, piano, and you.

/Biao Jie /Biao Mei /Abi /Kai /Jo /Mabel /Adam /Deb /ShiChun /Jaslyn /SP Jazzband /My Myspace



Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Today was ET practical. I suppose I was a bit overconfident in the days leading up to it, and sure enough, it came back to bite me. I was just staring at the sheet blankly for my fifteen minutes of preperation, wondering where the hell my pitching brain cells flew off to. And throat decided not to work too well that day, so any attempts at singing it out flopped.

HOWEVER, during the space of 20 seconds in which the person before me (Mandric) and I passed each other in the doorway, I had thought up a plan! :D (as I am wont to do in times of extreme oh-shit distress)

K: *does best impression of cat bringing up a hairball* *pastes Look of Misery and DoomTM on face* *pretends to have fishbone stuck in throat*

Teacher: Oh dear :o

But in the end he gave me the 2 hardest questions (on purpose!) despite my cussing. Halfway through I just gave up and rapped out the rest of the bars. Felt really shitty after that but he said he'd make allowances for giving me the hard ones (and my brilliant acting skills, too, I'm sure:D)

Therefore: Rapping + 60% there pitching + sympathy marks = Not doing as badly as I thought I would :DDD

Marks were upon 60 instead of a 100, which was good cos when he told me my score I nearly had a heart attack. Not too sad with my marks, pleased now that I have another marks-mongering skill up my sleeve.

I managed to scrape a few marks off KEYS as well. We got all these pieces and the teacher said we had to do improvisations for them. I picked the one I liked best and practiced like mad at it (it still sucked even the day before) and only found out a while before my turn that she would choose the piece we were to utterly mutiliateimprov on.

Went in and when she told me to do improv on another piece (which happened to be the one I hated the most) I turned on the chibi-eyes, put on the most spastic expression and a super loud "HAAAAAAAAAAH?????? BUT I DIDN'T PREPARE THAT ONE DD;"

She made me play it through and after considering my work 5 seconds after I blundered through it she asked what I did prepare, which was a fatal mistake! It gave me a loophole in which I could re-implement my original plan! (my piece still sucked, but I learned a new skill that day :D)

Swaying the odds in your favour 101
1. (Seemingly) genuine ignorance
2. Sympathy (might not work for guys)
3. ???????
X. nnnnnn

Must figure out more ways to squeeze those extra marks out. And with my plundered points, I shall be the Top Student! The one student......TO RULE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And because Il Divo is one of my favourite groups =>

Oh, and Abi please don't kill me :P

Can-of-Coke {author} posted at: 4:51 AM

