name: kat
zodiac: virgo/snake
location: berklee college of music
likes: music, cats, video games, tea, piano, and you.

/Biao Jie /Biao Mei /Abi /Kai /Jo /Mabel /Adam /Deb /ShiChun /Jaslyn /SP Jazzband /My Myspace



Wednesday, January 24, 2007

You Are Somewhat Logical

Ok, so didn't get the majority of questions right
But you did answer some pretty tough questions correctly
Logic may not be your strong point, but you hold your own!
How Logical Are You?

You Should Be a Musician

You have a rare combinations of talents: an ear for music, nimble fingers, and the willpower to practice.
You could master almost any instrument you choose to play (if you haven't already!)
What Sort of Artist Should You Be?

What kind of yarn are you?

You are Shetland Wool. You are a traditional sort who can sometimes be a little on the harsh side. Though you look delicate you are tough as nails and prone to intricacies. Despite your acerbic ways you are widely respected and even revered.
Take this quiz!

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Today I managed to finish my MIDI, and have decided that, yes, this is what I'm handing in. I was a bit worried when I was 70% of it through about doing this....unique...type of song, but now that I've had a few listens around and a coupla comments on my stuff, I don't feel too stressed as I was before :) Trying to move away from the emo genre. Rock would be fun to do next, and would require lots of "intense research on the computer", so I probably won't do much Real-Life stuff during the holidays.

There isn't any school tomorrow, since we're done with MUST (for this year) and ACTS (for good!). Gonna try and work on REMT more, I want to get a good grade for it. After sacrificing holiday time, eyesight, and the lifespan of probably a thousand hairs (they're still their normal sorta-brownish-blackish colour, don't see any grey yet so that's good), I think IWE deserve an A. >:D Joking, of course, if there's anything wrong with our mix still, now is the time to fix it.

Our teacher said our piece lacks a strong bass, and so it sounds rather hollow like my soul. He also said that musically, it's kinda shitty so that was really Inferiority Complex MAX :( But he said he liked our drums, especially the snare (which I did not recognize and thought was a woodblock and so EQed accordingly), and overall sound (yay for MP!). At least that sounds like there is some hope. :)

Can-of-Coke {author} posted at: 5:44 PM

