Thursday, March 29, 2007
I endured about 24 hours of envy before getting the phone call from one of our teachers. So...that made me feel a bit stupid. And then we went for the briefing, which was to explain the whole thing to us, and to give us the impression that everyone was going to go for it, cos ya'know, I didn't find out there was a selection process until after the talk. Kinda assumed it was a sure thing, specially since our results came out not long after and I'd achieved the minimum.
So, that meant applying time! Happy happy! I happily clicked the button and then went off to watch stuff on Youtube, feeling happy. Parents were happy too. So happy that they went around and told everyone about it. Then came the Application Result day, which was last Monday. And as fate would have it my account chose to have technical difficulties, so I couldn't see any results: a Congratulations Your Future Is Less Screwed or u suk kthxbai
Ended up calling the people to find out what the heck happened, and it sort of ping-ponged back and forth for one day, after which they called mum who told me I was cut from the list. Cue descent into Gloom and Doom phase, in which much junk food was consumed, much bad porn was read, and much emo poetry written (I kid you not:O). I was pretty unhappy for the next uh....48 hours approximately. Someone from school left a number while I was out emoing my soul in the pouring emo rain, and after some confusion, found out I was back in again.
0.o Um, what?
*delayed reaction*
The worst thing that can happen now is if I go to the orientation and they find out whoops, your name's not on the list, better go home lol bb. Seeing how the yes-no-yes-no pattern has gone so far, I think I'd only be half-surprised. Only this time it might manifest as EmoRage rather than EmoMoping.
Things don't seem too bad now, even though I'm still struggling to write lyrics tomorrow I'm going to see Phantom with my cousins and some of their little friends! I wasn't going to go at all, cos I've seen it in the US, heard in on the CD, and watched it on the TV, but I was offered a free ticket and what Singaporean can say no to free stuff? Besides, I like Phantom. It is my faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavourite musical.
...Can't find any good quizzes:(