name: kat
zodiac: virgo/snake
location: berklee college of music
likes: music, cats, video games, tea, piano, and you.

/Biao Jie /Biao Mei /Abi /Kai /Jo /Mabel /Adam /Deb /ShiChun /Jaslyn /SP Jazzband /My Myspace



Friday, September 07, 2007

Today was fun! Went to play at a nursing home in Serangoon with band. We all went to school early to try and practice.....but everything was packed up so ended up sitting around -_-

The wheels on the bus go round and round.....
Got there and waited around for our turn to perform. The performance = Fun! Got to play Fei Wo Qu Yue Liang and Again, my fav songs from the file of jazz scores we have. I liked my solos today cos they didn't sound stupid like they normally do at practice. Only thing is....for some reason I kept playing out of time today, so that was kind of scary.

But the best part was when some of the old people stood up and danced. There was a lady in front of me who was bouncing around in her chair the whole concert, and when we got to the C Jam Blues she and a few others started dancing!

(I don't have any pictures....;__;)

And so....our 30 minutes of fame came to an end......and we returned to our messy clubhouse.

Rearranged the instruments, jammed lots of weird songs, and pretty much abused the poor keyboard.

On the bus again to go for dinner!
Went to PS again. But this time we had Jap food instead of Burger King. After that we went to Yamaha and played with all their instruments without getting chased out :P

Then....arcade time again! Teamed up with Adam to play Beatmania 2 on 1 against Jessica. End up cannot win him even with 2 people sharing the buttons ><

Then we played Daytona again. I maintained my 2nd place ranking for most of the races....except one when I came in 3rd. But for one of them I managed to beat Jessica! Actually everyone did cos somehow he came in last =p

Played a few more games then started heading home. But not before......taking a picture like a bunch of tourists. :D

Can-of-Coke {author} posted at: 7:50 AM

