name: kat
zodiac: virgo/snake
location: berklee college of music
likes: music, cats, video games, tea, piano, and you.

/Biao Jie /Biao Mei /Abi /Kai /Jo /Mabel /Adam /Deb /ShiChun /Jaslyn /SP Jazzband /My Myspace



Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just another day at school. Zomg I've ponned Theory 2 days in a row...that's not very least today I have an excuse.....sort of.... There was some bazaar going on over the past few days to advertise SP to sec school kids.....yeah...... So it was up to the Awesome Foursome from SP Junior Jazzband to save the day!!!

Blah. But a but hard to kick ass when the sound system sucks. Ya, it was so bad that even I could tell it sucked....but at least we managed to get through with minimal mental scarring.... But I liked my solos today, it might be coming out of its down period once again....

E-learning looks like it's going to be stressful. Funny how a week of just doing homework (on the computer, what's more) can make people go bonkers.

I composed a emo one, cos I'm good at writing emo songs.....its still in my head though...better fix it in tangible form soon...later kana stolen....then no copyright.....yeah........

Feeling sleepy....good night ~.~

Can-of-Coke {author} posted at: 8:22 AM

