name: kat
zodiac: virgo/snake
location: berklee college of music
likes: music, cats, video games, tea, piano, and you.

/Biao Jie /Biao Mei /Abi /Kai /Jo /Mabel /Adam /Deb /ShiChun /Jaslyn /SP Jazzband /My Myspace



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Almost a month since I last blogged. I've been busy doing some of my own stuff...found a second-hand bookshop in United Sq, so that means nice cheap books within walking distance=) I finally finished the whole Farseer trilogies!!! Maybe I'll do a proper nice long book review after I read it a few more times. Or I'll set up an LJ account just so I can join all the fan communities for books and anime and stuff. 

I've also been getting into Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle! What can I say? It has pretty people, pretty clothes, pretty fantasy themes, and it's pretty hard to understand what the heck is going on. I just skipped over all the fighting scenes cos those are boring, and when I find a nice talky bit they're all talking about something else. Huh?!?!
A bit hard to pin down what genre it is exactly, I thought it was a generic "GOTTA CATCH EM ALL" type anime (cos they have the feathers to collect) but now it's gotten all dystopian and spiritual and I'm lost. Ah well, just keep looking at the pretty pictures. Wondering if I should get into the anime of it. They have lots of filler episodes, from what I hear (but it's not their fault cos the manga's still coming out). 

Today I made cupcakes with Mum 0.o Lol it was kind of fun, but I got tired after 15 mins of mixing. Don't think I'm cut out to be a baker hehe. But the cakes came out pretty nice, and theyr'e sitting in the fridge. But I've had 5 already so I think I won't be having any more any time soon.

And if there turn out to be too many I'll just get rid of them like this


So, time to talk about my favouritest subject on this blog: homework!!! I've settled my POD2 idea, so now it's just a matter of people-hunting. And hoping I don't look too stupid if it flops ><

I feel like drawing! Lalala! 

Can-of-Coke {author} posted at: 7:26 AM

