name: kat
zodiac: virgo/snake
location: berklee college of music
likes: music, cats, video games, tea, piano, and you.

/Biao Jie /Biao Mei /Abi /Kai /Jo /Mabel /Adam /Deb /ShiChun /Jaslyn /SP Jazzband /My Myspace



Progress report

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Reading 10 Dec
Ensemble 11 Dec
FS 15 Dec
Comping 16 Dec
PI 16 Dec

Arranging (finished composing, recording tomorrow) 14 Dec
College Writing 16 Dec

Feeling quite happy with my arranging song. Lots of different comments: akira jimbo esque, Africa, flying sensation, game music, brainwashing (wth!!!). Getting it recorded tomorrow. Hope it comes out nice....they don't have any pop ensembles so had to get a horn group to do it. Should be a un/pleasant change from the usual stuff.....I'm kind of sick of jazz....hence composing this kind of stuff....hee....

Can't believe there are less than 2 weeks left till I'm home.

Can-of-Coke {author} posted at: 12:18 PM

