name: kat
zodiac: virgo/snake
location: berklee college of music
likes: music, cats, video games, tea, piano, and you.

/Biao Jie /Biao Mei /Abi /Kai /Jo /Mabel /Adam /Deb /ShiChun /Jaslyn /SP Jazzband /My Myspace



Yo Ho Yo Ho the Poly Life for me!

Friday, February 24, 2006

It's been a while since my last post. I dunno, just haven't felt like talking much nowadays, and so many things have happened. Let's into big argument with parents that spanned a couple of months, went to school, hated school, made very few friends there, and spent all day wishing I didn't have to go.

As you can see from the title, JC is no longer an issue for me. Withdrew last week, I spend all my time at home having fun till term starts. Well, I hope I get into Poly, JAE results come out next week and mum said if I don't get any I'll get sent to this school (not listing names) that I don't want to go to.

The other day I was taking photos of myself on my brother's digital camera. Why? Because I was bored out of my mind and being bored often brings out the weird side of me. In this case, it was my narcissistic tendencies. I realized how few facial expressions I have, and my face-that-I-go-around-with is damn scary. No wonder I couldn't make any friends there -_-;;;

I was thinking about what sort of career I'd like to have when I'm all old and growed up. Well, I'd really like to be something in the Arty-farty scene, cos I love that kinda stuff, anything creative would be nice. And if I got a bit more outgoing and smart I'd like to be a secret agent cos it sounds damn fun. But the best I think would be for me to get a job in a haunted house. Seems like a wonderful job; you sit in a dark room, nobody bothers you, you can daydream or do what you want till the stupid people come in to be scared the shit out of. Yeah, wonderful.

Let's move the subject to something fun. Movies! I wanna watch POTC2! I HAFTAHAFTA see it! It looks like so much fun. Have been having fun on IMDB with the POTC board people where no one actually talks about the movie cos all our time is spent playing games.

And Twilight Princess will be out soon! I've been saving up from all my hongbaos (good takings this year) and I think a game should cost under a hundred bucks. Still, doesn't hurt to prepare. I could go watch a movie afterwards.

Have spent lots of my time watching TV. And I like Nightmare Before Christmas. This time I can appreciate it more cos I'm older and tolerance for (potentially) "dark" material has gone up. The last time I saw it I was like 8 or something and was morbidly fascinated with it until Oogie Boogie turned into bugs. That was when I got the heck outta there and hid behind the door. But now I lurrrrrve it. Watched it 5 times in a week, and I can sing almost every song and do it on the piano. Improvisation is nice.

Also started watching Corpse Bride a lot as well. It has lots of pretty, pretty music. Nightmare is more cool and dark and stuff but everything in Bride is so......pretty! I wish I could play the piano like that.

Weird now cos when I was younger, 3-D animation of any kind, be it computer or clay, always freaked me out for some reason. The people in it just looked so weird and scary. Veggie Tales scared me, Toy Story was kinda creepy, Chicken Run spooked the crap outt me, and I almost didn't want to see Shrek. It's a bit better now but I'm still scared of the Chicken Run-ish style. The mouths look scary. And the eyes, too.

What should I talk about now? So far I've been talking about movies a lot. I like movies, you ca just sit in front of a screen and watch and watch till your eyeballs pop and your soul is sucked into the TV. You don't have to think, don't have to move, just keep watching.

Lalalalala. I want to learn how to play guitar. All the cool people everywhere know how to play guitar! It makes you look badass cos they're portable, nice-sounding, and you can whack people over the head with em. I mean, you can't carry a piano around everywhere you go, and IMO, people think of pianists as being a bit more stodgy than the guitarists. I wanna learn guitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar. Then I can have a band. Everyone has a band when they're a teenager.

... ..........

Quizzes! Quizzes are good for taking up space and making a post seem longer. Long posts give one the image of being a thoughtful, articulate, intelligent person, which is what I'm trying to contrive here. As well as using lots of polysyllabic words to make me seem oh-so-posh. I'm not even sure if I know what some of them mean. 0_o

Have to get more Salt & Vinegar chips. They're yummy. I swear I can live on them and pepsi and nothing else. I wouldn't mind living on them and pepsi and nothing else, actually. I'm sure I could survive, cos both food items are cheap and are sold almost everywhere. Maybe when I grow up and move out I can find a nice isolated HDB apartment where I can live on chips and soft drinks and become the weirdo hermit who creeps people out all the time. I'm probably not going to get the haunted house job anyway so this sounds like a pretty good compromise.


Just read through this in the Preview window, and realized how boring it seems. I just sorta skimmed through the the run on of topics that changed with every paragraph. Blah. I am so bored that I want to scream. There is absolutely nothing fun to do anymore. And my room is full of dust so it's impossible to get a good night's sleep.

Had a haircut earlier this week. Still waiting for face to click into it's new frame so that I can look good again. Last time hair was pretty long, almost reaching my armpits, but now it just brushes the top of my shoulders. And my bangs are cheekbone-length so they're impossible to tie back, and they make me look like I have a bob. I hate bobs! Had one for 12 years of my life and it made me look friggin funny! Only since last year have I started to grow my hair out. Only really really good-looking people can pull off funny hairstyles without looking dumb. Like that Queen Amidala. She had loads of weird hairstyles but she looked pretty good.

What else can I talk about now? On Valentine's Day I didn't go to school cos I thought everyone would be getting 3 days off for entry of JAE stuff, so I missed all the fluff and flowers and mushy stuff at school. Felt a bit left out but fortunately received flowers from the one I love most.

She is the most beautiful one in my life, and we love each other so very much. I got her flowers last year, and she got me some then as well. We have so much in common, the same interests, the same way of thinking, and we always get our hair cut the exact same way! And my parents don't object to us sharing a room, they don't even notice when we sit in the same chair at mealtimesXD


Kudos to anyone who got that. Here, have some raisins.

Can-of-Coke {author} posted at: 7:13 PM

