Monday, December 31, 2007
Most of the stuff coming up is pretty intimidating...especially the ITP, which I don't feel very prepared for. Still, I'm praying everything will turn out better and happier.
So, goodbye, 2007. It's been a weird and crazy year...but it was sort of fun.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Day 1
Went shopping for food.....
Lots of Japanese stuff that looks so pretty
A real one! Just like from POTC
Very pretty and romantic park spot outside. There actually was a couple doing stuff on that bench (you can see the guy's legs sticking out....)
Another polar bear! Our Hong Kong mascot maybe?
Superhuge candy flosses =9
Interesting fine art 0.o
Day 2: Disneyland!
This was my favourite day I think....
Day 3
Took a train to China cos grandparents wanted to see the sights and mum wanted buy fake stuff.
Day 4
Nothing big today, just went out to watch a movie. Elements is a nice shopping mall, its quite like Vivocity.
I got to drink=9
Is it real? Is it fake? You don't know!!!!
Day 5
We were supposed to go for a walk, but ended up spending the whole day at an arcade. And they didn't even have any good games, just the stupid grab-the-toy ones that make you waste all your money.
Hello Kitties that my parents were trying to get 0.o
Little plastic bao keychains! I wanted to get one cos I love small round colourful things.....but the stupid machine wouldn't share D=<
So many different flavours of baos...
Taking just one photo of myself with Yoshi so I can say that I really was there. Sian face=(
Yoshi and Mario
More cute food keychains =333
Biologically impossible Christmas trees (except for the first one)
Hello Kitties at the 7-11
Bros wanted to go to space museum. They still haven't changed the exhibits, even after 5 years -.-
Bought a bag of the chips to see if it really tastes like that=9
Lots of saxophone decorations....cos everyone loves saxophones.....Cool right! Pity they were really ugly clothes.
Eiffel tower...
Day 7
Last day, so didn't do much. Did take photos of random people on the plane, but that's it.