Tuesday, July 31, 2007
You're 18! You're 18! And oooold now! Mwahahahahahaha!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I received several queries regarding my mental health, and a few interesting theories. Our (highly amused) lecturer thought I was on drugs or something, and the pair of classmates whose recording session I'd sneaked in to spy on thought it was something of the BGR variety (hah!).
Spent the whole afternoon shooting my assignment (which is turning out to be more like a nature video than anything), and trying to get the darn cat to cooperate. As soon as I get the camera in place she walks off. On purpose, because she did it 5 times in a row. Vented frustration by thinking happy thoughts about bunnies and sunshine.
Had some fun with the camera taking some narcissistic videos (which will no one will ever be allowed to see) to wait for my temperamental actress to return, and also because I was having a really good hair day. There are many continuity errors in my movie with hair; one day it's black, the next it's brown, it's hanging loose, it ties itself up in a ponytail, stray hairs are popping up like bunnies, I have the flattest head in the universe...etc, etc.
Tomorrow will be quite a full day too. Have to scramble to wrap up my song wavs and finish my movie, and there's a presentation to do.
Movie must be done by tomorrow, Friday latest, and Monday at ABSOLUTE latest. I've tried to avoid last-minute work this year, cos I don't like the feel of chionging much. Not that my efforts really helped, since I've been chionging at full-speed since January. And that was still in my first year.
I'm booooooored.
Your Inner Blood Type is AB! |
![]() Your personality is hard to define - you're very unconventional. And even if your personality could be defined, it would be completely different next week! Outgoing and shy, sensitive and thoughtless, you tend to have a very split personality. This makes you unpredictable. You can be a total angel - and a total devil. You are most compatible with: everyone! Famous Type AB's: Jackie Chan and Marilyn Monroe |
Your Quirk Factor: 65% |
![]() You're so quirky, it's hard for you to tell the difference between quirky and normal. No doubt about it, there's little about you that's "normal" or "average." |
65%....good enough.
Your Hidden Talent |
![]() You are both very knowledgeable and creative. You tend to be full of new ideas and potential - big potential. Ideas like yours could change the world, if you build them. As long as you don't stop working on your dreams, you'll get there. |
I felt like tulips today.
You Have Many Alpha Tendencies |
![]() You're not a total alpha female, but you certainly know how to - and like to - get your way. You're forceful without being intimidating. You're confident without being vain. A perfect mix. |
How You Life Your Life |
![]() You have a good sense of self control and hate to show weakness. You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think. You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly. You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it. |
Hm, hope so.
You Are a Rainbow |
![]() Breathtaking and rare You are totally enchanting and intriguing But you usually don't stick around long! You are best known for: your beauty Your dominant state: seducing |
.....?!!?! And also the gay symbol 0.o
You Should Rule Venus |
![]() Venus is a mysterious, stormy planet - shrouded in a thick layer of clouds. You are perfect to rule Venus, because you are quite emotional and volatile yourself. Your emotions change as rapidly as the weather on Venus, and both you and the planet are incomprehensible to others. While you are not a logical thinker, you are quite empathetic. You can care for and understand others, but your emotions swirl too quickly to truly understand yourself. |
How things change. I think I was Saturn the last time.
Monday, July 16, 2007
So far, things are going well, since it's now the Dawn of the Second Day.
Watched Harry Potter last Friday. It...was surprisingly un-awful. I quite enjoyed it, despite Order of the Phoenix being my least favourite book. They kept in Fred and George running away from school omg!!! Best moment in the book:D
Movie!Umbridge reminded me a bit of a certain Secondary school teacher I had...it's kind of creepy. I didn't imagine as grandmotherly-looking as that, I thought she'd the trying-to-be-hip-but-not-getting-it type. Problem with movie: Dumbledore. What is up with the guy?! How hard is it to act friendly and nice?!?! Isn't Dumbles supposed to be nice and friendly with a perpetual ^__^ expression?!?!?!
Deathly Hallows will be out on Saturday. I'm sad the series is ending. I started reading it when I was 11, same as Harry, and now I'm 17, just like Harry :(
And 18, in a bit more than a month. Feeling old again. And this year really IS faster. I'm usually looking forward to that elusive day that marks a year of existence, it always seems to take forever. And some days it feels like the day is every day.
All right, shut up. Quizzies!
Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 55% |
![]() Your Interpersonal Intelligence is Average You do well in most group settings, but you also need time to recharge. So while you can work with people during the day, you may crave your alone time at night. For you, it's all about balance! |
Your Superhero Profile |
![]() Your Superhero Name is The Astro Aardvark Your Superpower is Demonic Your Weakness is Itching Your Weapon is Your Toxic Foam Your Mode of Transportation is Capsule |
Your Personality Cluster is Introverted Sensing |
![]() You are: Responsible, ethical, and trustworthy Loyal, with a sense of roots in your community Someone who treasures and remembers the past Adverse to surprises and the unknown |
Your Beauty Element is Air |
![]() You're quirky, fresh, and fashionable in a surprising way. You have a beauty that's all your own, and it changes as quickly as the wind! |
You Are More Cutthroat Than You Think |
![]() Yes, you do have that killer instinct lurking in you. And while you may not be actually cutting throats anytime soon... You certainly don't mind clawing your way to the top. |
You Are Pretty Logical |
![]() You're a bit of a wizard when it comes to logic While you don't have perfect logic, you logic is pretty darn good Keep at it - you've got a lot of natural talent in this area! |
You Should Be a Science Fiction Writer |
![]() Your ideas are very strange, and people often wonder what planet you're from. And while you may have some problems being "normal," you'll have no problems writing sci-fi. Whether it's epic films, important novels, or vivid comics... Your own little universe could leave an important mark on the world! |
Most anime could be classified under sci-fi....
Your Heart is Feeling Shy |
![]() Your heart certainly has some strong feelings, you're just not sure if you're ready to let them show. You could be someone's secret admirer, or maybe you just haven't truly expressed how deep your feelings run. Maybe you're still a little unsure about how you feel... or your unsure about what reaction you'll get. Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Clamming up and running away from love Your current outlook on love: Introspective and a bit detached Your love life will improve if you: Put yourself out there a little more. If you don't try, you'll never know. Watch out for: Having a one sided romance - you need to be sure you're feelings are reciprocated |
They said to pick the one which represented your heart most....aren't all our hearts pink(ish)? 0.o
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Sounds like a lot, only it's taken me 2 years to get this far. And for most of them I've talked about school, not even teenagery stuff. I like school, even if my work's a bit of a trainwreck right now. Finished watching Ghost Hunt. It's pretty interesting, but towards the end it started edging towards Fantasyland anime, which threw me off a bit cos I was interested by the Non-Fiction thing they had going on.
Ah shit, it's cold in here. Why'd I have to pick the computer right under the air-con? I've also got the "cold-spot" in my elective class as well, strangely. Got a bit of a headache wondering how I'm going to salvage my project, crappy drums and embarrassing singing and all.
I'm driving myself crazy with trying to make everything Perfect, and that's probably why I'm really miserable now. But if I don't self-motivate, everything will be horrid! So since I'm trying my best, why aren't the ends justified?!?!
I need a life.
Monday, July 09, 2007
And what happens when your best just isn't enough? Even though you really want it to be? Isn't it depressing to keep bashing your head against the wall over and over?
I'm sick of killing myself over quality, only to find nothing's changed. I feel like I'm 15 again, only this time I actually do want to hit it well. Which makes it all the more distressing, y'know.
I need a hug. :(
Yeah, this is emo. But so what? I'm still a teenager. Indulge me.